
by train

The train station is located in the city center. There is an electric and night train service that runs between Baku and Lankaran. The electric train ticket cost around 2.5 AZN and leaves Lankaran at 5:00PM and arrives in Baku at 11:00PM. The night train costs between 3.20-5.40AZN and leaves Lankaran at 9:00PM and arrives in Baku at 6:30AM.

by bus/minibus

Intercity Buses/Departure Times

Intercity buses leave from the “Lavangi” Avtovaqzal north of the city center.

Lankaran-Baku: 7:30 and every hour

Lankaran-Baku-Baku's Airport: 21:00

Lankaran-Sumqayit: 8:30

Lankaran-Ganja: 7:15, 8:15

Lankaran-Qazak: 6:30

Lankaran-Mingechivir: 8:30

Village Buses

All village buses depart and return from the Big Bazaar in Lankaran city. Buses in the direction of Masalli pass through the Lavangi Bus Station. Bus fare will range from .10-.60 AZN depending on distance.

Villages in the direction of Astara

16 Lankaran-Veladi

17 Lankaran-Ashagi Nuvadi

18 Lankaran-Kanarmesha

19 Lankaran-Seydakaran

20 Lankaran-Garmatuk

21 Lankaran-Viyan

22 Lankaran-Kosalar

23 Lankaran-Bala Shuruk

24 Lankaran-Turkakaran

25 Lankaran-Xolmili

26 Lankaran-Shikhakaran

27 Lankaran-Shikhakaran-Mamusta

28 Lankaran-Vel Siyavar

29 Lankaran-Siyavar

30 Lankaran-Dashdaligjar

31 Lankaran-Hirkan-Mamusta

32 Lankaran-Parakand

33 Lankaran-Siyavar Vel

34 Lankaran-Burjali

35 Lankaran-Khanbulan

36 Lankaran-Y/Nuvadi

37 Lankaran-Dashdaturk

63 Lankaran-Bilasar

Villages in the direction of Lerik

40 Lankaran-Darguba

41 Lankaran-Laj

42 Lankaran-Isti su

43 Lankaran-Luvasar

44 Lankaran-Shaglakuja

45 Lankaran-Ballabur

46 Lankaran-Shovu

47 Lankaran-20 km

Villages in the direction of Masalli

48 Lankaran-Girdani

49 Lankaran-Havzava

50 Lankaran-Veravul

51 Lankaran-Vilvan

52 Lankaran-Osakuje

53 Lankaran-Sinovlu

54 Lankaran-Kharkhatan

55 Lankaran-Jil Kharkhatan

56 Lankaran-Shaglaser

57 Lankaran-Separadi

58 Lankaran-Tukavila

59 Lankaran-Zovla

by taxi or marshrutka

The “Lavangi” Avtovagzal Auto Station services the transport to/from Lankaran for taxis, buses, and marshrutka. The Lankaran Avtovagzal # is 0171-45928.